Here you have my teddybear with the goose under the arm.
You will need Psp 7.
Here you get selections for it .
Open them in your Psp folder. I have also made a
zip file with the stich of the teddy. Put it in the Styles in Jasc's Psp.

Remember to save often.

Open an new Image 600 x 700. transparent

New layer, name it head. Go to Selection / Load from disk and find the folder where you open the zip-fil. Open the head sel fil. Flood fill with C36B23.
Go to Selection / Invert and after to Effects / 3D effects / Drop Shadow with these settings


New layer name it ear 1. Open the ear1 fil.Flood fill .
Invert and Shadow the same as head. Deselect. Right click on your ear 1. layer and choose duplicat then go to image / mirror.
 Move it in place with

New layer name it ear 2. Open ear2 fil. Flood fill with E7B579. Invert, Drop shadow as head but color E49154 .
Take duplicat and mirror and move it in place.

New layer name it muzzle. Open the muzzle fil. Flood fill,
 Invert and Shadow as ear 2.

Nytt layer name it nose. Open nose fil. Flood fill with black. Go to Effects / 3D effects / Innerbevel. Use Psp's round presets.


New layer name it eye 1. Open eye1 fil. Fill it with white.
Duplicat the layer and mirror move it in place.

New layer name it eye 2. Open eye2 fil. Fill whit black.
 Go to Effects / 3D effects / Innerbevel and use the round presets.
Now it looks like this

Close layer 1. and merge visible, name it Head.
Save. (ctrl.+ S)

Mark layer 1. and add a new layer, name it body.
 It's now under the head layer. Open body file and flood fill with C36B23. Invert and Drop shadow as head but set blur to 34,6.

New layer name it arm 1. Open arm1. fil . Flood fill, Invert and Shadow as body. Deselect.

New layer leg. Open leg fil. Flood fill, Invert and Shadow as body.
Deselect. Duplicat the leg layer and mirror. Move it in place.
Save. (ctrl + S)

Now to the goose.

New layer name it goosebody 1. Open goosebody1fil. Flood fill with white. Invert. Drop Shadow as before but set blur to 13,6 and color C0C0C0. Deselect.

New layer name it arm 2. Open arm 2 fil. Flood fill with C36B23.
Invert, Drop Shadow as body.

Mark head layer. New layer name it goosebody 2. Open goosebody2 fil. Flood fill, Invert and Shadow as goosebody 1.

New layer name it beak. Open beak fil. Flood fill with EDB45B. Invert.
 Drop Shadow the same as before but set blur to 13,6 and color E6981E. Deselect.

New layer name it foot. Open gfoot fil. Flood fill, Invert and Shadow as beak. Deselect. Duplicat foot layer and mirror. Image rotate 30 to right. Move it in place.
Save. (ctrl + S)

New layer name it scarf 1. Move it unther goosebody 2. Open scarf1. fil Flood fill with C00000. Invert. Drop shadow as before but set blur to 8,6 and color C80000. Deselect.

Nytt layer name it scarf 2. Move the layer unther arm 2. Open scarf2 fil. Flood fill, Invert and Shadow as scarf 1.

Nytt layer name it scarf 3. Open scarf3 fil. Flood fill, Invert and Shadow as scarf 1. Deselect.

Nytt layer scarf 4. Move the layer on top. Open scarf4 fil . Flood fill, Invert and Shadow as scarf 1.
Save.(ctrl.+ S)

Now the details.
Mark the headlayer. Use Draw, freehand 1, linestile ryp_quiltstiches2 and foreground color 814719 and background to null.
Draw stichs on the head. Make the same on the body and legs,
but remember to mark the different layers.
Then set the line style to solid and draw on the foot. Mark the muzzle layer and draw the mouth.
On the goosebody use color C0C0C0 for strokes.
Eye on the goose. Mark the goosebody 2 layer.
Use Airbrush 5 and black.
Beak and legs, use Draw, freehand 1 and color E19319, and at last Airbrush 1 on the beak.for the nose.

Now it's done.
Merge visible all layers and resize to 60 or 70 %. You can also tube it.

Hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.
Have you any questions please
mail me.

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