Here we have santa riding with his pig in full flight. Where did he goes ?
I have use Psp 7 and it's done by selection , you find it in this
zip-fil. Open the zip file and put it in own folder in your psp.

Remember to save often.

We start with an Image 600 x 300 transparent. You can fill it with black, then it's better to see what you are doing. We delete it at last.

New layer call it sleigh. sett Foreground color to 0080000. Go to selections / Load from disk and find the folder where you open the sel-file. Open sleigh file and fill. Now go to Selections /Invert, and after to Effects / 3D effects / Drop Shadow with these settings: Vertical 5, horizontal -20, opacity 80, blur 27, color 054D05. OK. Drop Shadow once more but chance vert. -10, horiz. 15, opacity 100, blur and color the same. Deselect.

New layer, santabody, Foreground A61010. Open santabody file and fill. Go to Selection / Float, and then Effects / 3D effects / CutOut with these settings. Vert. -7, horiz. 0, opac. 100, blur 25, color 5E3232. Deselect.

New layer, arm2. Foreground A61010. Open arm2 file and fill. Float, Cutout, vert. -4, horiz. 4, opac. 100, blur 14, color 5E3232. Deselect.

New layer, santahead. Foreground F2CBAC. Open santahead file and fill. Float, Cutout, vert. 7, horiz. -5, opac, 85, blur 25, color F2AD76. New CutOut but vert. 0, horiz.-10, OK. Deselect.

New layer, santanose. Foreground F2CBAC. Open santanose file and fill. Invert and Drop Shadow , vert. -2, horiz. 5, opac. 80, blur 12, color F2AD76. Deselect.


New layer, caps. foreground A61010. Open caps file and fill. Float, Cutout, vert. -5, horiz.5, opac. 80, blur 25, color 724040. New cutout but vert. -5, horiz. 0. OK. Deselect.

New layer, santaeye 1. Foreground white. Open santaeye1 file and fill. Deselect.

New layer. santaeye2. Foreground 91E1F5. Open santaeye2 file and fill. Deselect.

New layer, santaeye3. Foreground black. Open santaeye3 file and fill. Go to Effects / 3D effects / Innerbevel and use psp's round. Deselect.

New layer, hair. Foreground C0C0C0. Open hair file and fill. Deselect.

New layer hair2. Foreground 808080, background closed. Use Airbrush size 2 and make some lines in the hair.

Go to Effects / Blur / Gaussian blur set to 3. OK. Stand on hair layer and use smudge size 3 and push a little outwards.

New layer, santamouth. Foreground A61010. Open santamouth file and fill. Go to Modefy / Contract set to 2. Now fill with C00000.Deselect.

New layer, beard. Foreground white. Open beard file and fill. Float, Cutout, vert. 0, horiz. -2, opac. 80, blur 15, color C0C0C0. Deselect.

New layer, arm1. Foreground A61010. Open arm1. file and fill. Float, Cutout, vert. -4, horiz. 4, opac.100, blur 14, color 5E3232. Deselect.


New layer, side. Foreground D99D1D. Open side file and fill. Float, Cutout as arm1 but color 8A6514. Deselect.

New layer, handle1.Open handle1. file. Color, Float and Cutout as side but vert. -1, horiz. 1. Deselect.

New layer, handle2. Open handle2 file. Color, Float and Cutout as handle1. Deselect.

New layer, edge. Open edge file. Color, Float and Cutout as handle, but vert. -2. New cutout with vert. 2. Deselect.

New layer, runner2. Foreground 745512. Open runner2 file and fill. Deselect.

New layer, runner1. Open runner1 file. Color, Float and Cutout as edge. Deselect.

Stand on handle2 layer.New layer, post1. Foreground D99D1D. Open post1 file and fill. Float, Cutout, vert. 0, horiz. -2, opac. 80, blur 14, color 8A6514. New Cutout chance horiz. to 2. OK. Deselect.

New layer post2. Foreground 745512. Open post2. file and fill. Deselect.
Close all layers except the 2 post layers. Merge visible and call it post. Rightclick on the layer and choose duplicat. Use mover to place it.
Now we are here


Now we are doing the pig.

Stand on handle2 layer. New layer pigleg. Foreground FDCDCD. Open pigleg file and fill. Float and Cutout, vert.1, horiz. -1, opac. 80, blur 12, color DC9C9C. Deselect.

New layer pigbody. Foreground FDCDCD. Open pigbody and fill. Float and Cutout, vert. and horiz. 2, opac. 100, blur 24, color DC9C9C. Deselect.

New layer. pighead. Foreground FDCDCD. Open pighead file and fill. Invert and Drop Shadow, vert. -2, horiz. 2, opac. 80, blur 16, color DC9C9C. Deselect.

New layer, pigear1. Open pigear file. Color, Invert and Shadow as head, but vert. and horiz. 0 opac. 100, blur 7. Deselect.

New layer, pigear3. Foreground DC9C9C. Open pigear3 and fill. Float and Cutout, vert. and horiz. 1, opac. 54, blur 14, color FB505B. Deselect.

Stand on pigbody layer. New layer pigear2. Forground FDCDCD. Open pigear2 file and fill. Float and Cutout, vert. 0, horiz. 1, opac. 100, blur 7, color DC9C9C. New Cutout, vert. 0, horiz. -1. Deselect.

New layer pigeye1. Foreground white. Open pigeye1.file and fill. Deselect.

New layer. pigeye2. Foreground 91E1F5. Open pigeye2 file and fill. Deselect.

New layer, pigeye3. Foreground black. Open pigeye3 file and fill. Go to Innerbevel and us Psp's round. Deselect.


New layer, pigmouth. Foreground C00000. Open pikmouth file and fill. Deselect.

New layer, pigmouth2. Foreground black. Open pigmouth2 file and fill. Deselect.

New layer, pignose. Foreground FC8E8E. Open pignose file and fill. Float and Cutout, vert. and horiz. 0, opac. 50, blur 7, color FB5B5B. Deselect.

New layer, tail. Foreground FDCDCD. Open tail file and fill. Deselect.

New layer, hand2. Foreground F2CBAC. Open hand2.file and fill. Float and Cutout, vert and horiz. 1, opac. 80, blur 12, color F2AD76. Deselect.

New layer, hand1. Open hand1 file, Fill, Float and Cutout as hand2. Deselect

New layer, cloves. Foreground black. Open clove file and fill. Deselect.

New layer snow. Layers send to bottum. Foreground white. Open snow file and fill. Float and Cutout, vert. -25, horiz. 15, opac. 100, blur 35, color E6FCFC. New Cutout but set vert. 15, horiz. 25. Deselect.


Now some details
First stand on sleigh layer. New layer. Foreground 045804. Use Airbrush size 2 and made some lines on the sleigh. When satisfied go to Blur / Gaussian blur set to 1.

Stand on santahead. New layer, cheek and nose. Foreground F29E9E. Use Airbrush size 25. Made cheek, change to size 18 and put some color on nose. Go to blur 4.
New layer, foreground white, Airbrush size 4, make some dotts on cheek and nose, Go to blur set to 1.
Stand on caps layer. Foreground 843030. Make some lines on the caps with Draw size 1. Make the same on arms, but remember to stand on respective layers. Make some fingers on the hands color EDAE7B and draw size 2.
Make eyebow with black and draw 2, and also on the pig. Also with black 2 nostril on the pignose with airbrush size 3
Make some lines from the nose for snout DC9C9C Draw size 1.
Stand on pighead layer. New layer, cheek. Foreground F29E9E, Airbrush size 30, Go to blur set to 4. New layer, color white make a dott in cheek with Airbrush 3,Go to blur set to 1. At last some lines at the pigbody-and head with Draw 2 and color F5C5C5.

Now we are ready and you can delete layer 1 if you use color.
Here are the results:

Merge visible all layers and you can save as a tube. You can resize to 400 x 200 befor you tube.
I hope you succeed, but if you have trouble please
mail me.


Tutorial made by me 30 october 2003