Oak is a common tree where I live, so I'll try to make a leave and some nuts.
If you like to try, I have done selection, which you find
here in this zip.fil.
Make a folder in your own Psp folder and open it there.
Then put them in Psp's Selection folder.
 I have used PSP 9.
I hope my english is understandable I'm not so good at it. I will try though.

We begin with an Image 221 x 260 transparent


New layer, call it leave.
 Set foreground color to #046b01.
Go to Selection / Load from disk and find where you put your zipfil.
Open the leave file. Fill.
New Layer
Go to Effects / 3D effects / Cut Out with these settings:

Merge Down


New layer, shadows.
Foregrounds color #9fa034.
Use Paintbrush size 7, hardness 50.

 Make some shadow on the leave

then go to Effects / Blur / Gaussian blur set to 5.


New layer, veins.
Foregrounds color black, background closed.
 Use Pen Tool, Freehand, size 2.

and draw some veins.


New layer, stem.
 Foreground color #4d3939.
Use Paint brush size 6 and draw a stem at the top of the leave.
Now it looks like this, I hope.

Merge visible all layers and save as a tube.
If you don't know how to tube, I have a tut here where I try to explain.


Make a new Image 110 x 150 transparent


New layer, nut.
 Foreground color #a25a1a. Open nut file and fill.
New Layer - Cut Out with these settings:

Merge Down.


New layer, shadow.
Foreground color #e3bc99.
Use the Paint brush size 6, make some shadow

 like this, then Gaussian Blur 5.


New layer, top.
 Foreground color #603a18. Open top file and fill.
Go to Effects / Texture / Tiles /Triangle with these settings:


New layer, shadow.
Foreground color #9e6737. Paint brush size 10 and hardness 50
Then make some shadow on the top.

then Gaussian Blur 2.

At last make a little line in the bottom of the nut, with Pen Tool 2 and color #603a18.
Now we are ready.

Merge visible all layers and tube it.

Now you can make a new bigger Image and make it as I'v done
or in your own way.
But remember to make a new layer for each tube you use,
 then you can move it and turn it around as you want.

You make the stems on New layers,
foregrond color #4d3939
 Use Paint brush 4 and draw where you want them.
 Then go to Selection / Select All,
 and then Selection / Float, Selection / Invert and now Drop shadow with these settings:


Here you have my nuts:

I hope you are satisfied with your work now and with the tutorial.
 Thanks for trying. If you have any comments send me a

I made this tut 22/2-2003